Automotive Semiconductor Companies
Automotive Semiconductor Companies
The top five semiconductor suppliers to the automotive industry are shown in the chart below. Infineon is the largest at $8.1 billion in automotive semiconductor revenue in 2022. The top five account for about half of the total automotive semiconductor market. These companies experienced strong growth in the automotive market in 2022, ranging from 17% to 46%, compared to only 3.3% growth in the overall semiconductor market. Automotive is a significant portion of these companies’ overall revenues, ranging from 25% to 52%.

The top five companies have all provided revenue guidance for 1Q 2023 calling for a decline in total revenue from 4Q 2022 (except for Renesas, which did not provide guidance). However, each company cited the automotive segment as remaining strong. In its 4Q 2022 earnings conference call, NXP cited a “pricing tailwind” for automotive, implying increasing prices.